About Mahant Shree
Radheyshyam Vyas ji Maharaj
Date Of Birth:- 29 August 1956 (on midnight of janmastami).
Dynasty :- Vaishnav Swami Brhamin.
Place of birth :- Village тАУ Chatarpura, Tehsil тАУ Bansur, Dist. тАУ Alwar (Rajasthan)
Education :- After Primary and higher education he well-versed himself in Astrology, Katha- Satsang.
Ashram :- Grihasth Saint Allwell versed in
Traditional work :- Astrology, Aayurveda and generation to generation.
Work-Place :- Dhampur, Dist-Bijnor.
Determined Aim of Life :-
Welfare of common, poor and Discarded people, charity for cows, poor and orphan girls welfare and upbringing┬а along with their education, marriage for the upligtment of women prestige and service of nation and by organising kotha-satsang, preaching religion and welfare of common people.
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